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Function Reference
Page 386 of 839
Return value:
The return value is the string length in characters. If the info entry is not set it returns 0 and Value is
initialized to NULL.
SI32 pdfGetDocInfoCount(
const PPDF* IPDF) // Instance pointer
The function returns the number of document info entries defined in the document. This function
can be used in combination with GetDocInfoEx() to enumerate the document info entries of the PDF
SI32 pdfGetDocInfoEx(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
UI32 Index,
// Entry index
TDocumentInfo ADDR DInfo, // Document info entry type
char* ADDR Key,
// Only set for user defined keys
char* ADDR Value,
// The value of the info entry
// Is value in Unicode format?
The function returns a document info entry. The parameter Index must be a valid index into the
array of document info entries. The number of available entries is returned by GetDocInfoCount().
The parameter Value holds a pointer to the original value, it must not be NULL. Do not change or
free the value. If the parameter Unicode is true, the value is a Unicode string. Make a type cast to
UI16* in this case. The parameter Key contains always an Ansi string if set (user defined keys only).
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is the string length in characters of the parameter Value.
Depending on the string format make a type cast to UI16*.

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