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Function Reference
Page 812 of 839
SI32 pdfTestGlyphs(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
SI32 FontHandle,
// Font handle
const char* Text) // Text that should be tested
The function checks whether all glyphs of the text are available in the specified font. The return
value is the position of the first missing glyph, or -1 if all glyphs are available.
If the font uses a mixed 8/16 bit CJK code page that requires a conversion to Unicode (a code page
that ends with "_Uni"), the return value corresponds to the converted Unicode string and not to the
CJK input string.
SI32 pdfTestGlyphsEx(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
SI32 FontHandle,
// Font handle
const char* Text, // Text that should be tested
UI32 Len)
// Text length in characters
The function checks whether all glyphs of the text are available in the specified font like
TestGlyphs() but it accepts a non-null-terminated string as input. The return value is the position of
the first missing glyph, or -1 if all glyphs are available.
If the font uses a mixed 8/16 bit CJK code page that requires a conversion to Unicode (a code page
that ends with "_Uni"), the return value corresponds to the converted Unicode string and not to the
CJK input string.
SI32 pdfTextAnnot(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
double PosX,
// X-Coordinate of the annotation
double PosY,
// Y-Coordinate of the annotation
double Width,
// Width of the window in open state
double Height,
// Height of the window in open state
const char* Author, // Author of the annotation or NULL
const char* Text,
// The annotation's Text or NULL
TAnnotIcon Icon,
// Annotation icon, see below
// Should the annotation appear open or closed?
typedef enum

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