DynaPDF Manual - Page 251
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Function Reference
Page 251 of 860
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is the handle of the template that was created for the
annotation, a value greater or equal zero. If the function fails the return value is a negative error
SI32 pdfCreateArticleThread(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
const char* ThreadName) // Name of the thread
This function creates a new article thread. An article thread is a container for articles which must be
created separately with AddArticle(). A document can contain an arbitrary count of article threads.
The names of the threads should be unique otherwise it is not possible to distinguish between them
in Adobe's Acrobat.
Some types of documents may contain sequences of content items that are logically connected but
not physically sequential. For example, a news story may begin on the first page of a newsletter and
run over onto one or more non-consecutive interior pages. To represent such sequences of
physically discontinuous but logically related items, a PDF document may define one or more
The sequential flow of an article is defined by an article thread; the individual content items that
make up the article are called beads on the thread. PDF viewer applications such as Adobe’s
Acrobat provide navigation facilities to allow the user to follow a thread from one bead to the next.
Due to a bug in Acrobat 6 articles can cause a zoom out. The pages of a document appear then as
small thumb nails. It is highly recommended to test your articles with Acrobat 6.
This function is implemented in an Ansi and Unicode compatible version. The Ansi Version
supports Ansi strings of the code page 1252 only. To create an article thread in an arbitrary encoding
convert the string to Unicode with the function ConvToIncode() first and use the Unicode version to
create the article thread.
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is the handle of the article thread, a value greater or equal
zero. If the function fails the return value is a negative error code.
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