DynaPDF Manual - Page 134

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Function Reference
Page 134 of 839
return retval;
SI32 TestDPart(const PPDF* PDF, const wchar_t* InFileName, wchar_t* OutFileName, bool Compress)
SI32 retval = 0, bufSize, last, node;
pdfCreateNewPDF(PDF, NULL);
pdfSetDocInfo(PDF, diProducer, NULL); // No need to override the producer
pdfSetImportFlags(PDF, ifImportAll | ifImportAsPage);
pdfSetImportFlags2(PDF, if2UseProxy);
if (InFileName)
if ((retval = pdfOpenImportFileW(PDF, InFileName, ptOpen, NULL)) < 0)
if (IsWrongPwd(retval))
// A password dialog should normally be displayed here
printf("File is encrypted!\n");
goto err;
if ((retval = pdfImportPDFFile(PDF, 1, 1.0, 1.0)) < 0) goto err;
// Create the required root node
const char* nameList[] = {"Root", "Pages"};
pdfCreateDPartRoot(PDF, nameList, 2, 3);
// GetFileBuf() is a helper function that returns the contents of an arbitrary file. See
// definition above.
char* dpmbase = GetFileBuf("f:/test.json", bufSize);
if (!dpmbase)
printf("Cannot open JSON file!\n");
goto err;
// This node holds some DPM for two child DPart nodes.
node = pdfAddDPartNode(PDF, -1, -1, -1, dpmbase);
// We create two ranges for test purposes.
last = pdfGetPageCount(PDF) / 2;
const char json2[] = "\"CIP4_Production\":{\"CIP4_CopyCount\" : 1\"CIP4_User\":\"Stefan\"}";
const char json3[] = "\"CIP4_Production\":{\"CIP4_CopyCount\" : 1\"CIP4_User\":\"Jens\"}";
pdfAddDPartNode(PDF, node, 1, last, json2);
pdfAddDPartNode(PDF, node, last +1, pdfGetPageCount(PDF), json3);
// If you want to have a look into the resulting PDF file then deactivate object compression.
if (!Compress)
pdfSetGStateFlags(PDF, gfNoObjCompression | gfDoNotComprMetadata, false);
pdfSetGStateFlags(PDF, gfDoNotComprMetadata, false);
if (pdfHaveOpenDoc(PDF))
if ((retval = pdfOpenOutputFileW(PDF, OutFileName)) == TRUE)
retval = pdfCloseFile(PDF);
return retval;
return retval;

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