DynaPDF Manual - Page 244

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Function Reference
Page 244 of 839
thick). Other values can be applied but the appearance can be changed by Adobe's Acrobat when
the form is reset by a Reset Form Action.
The appearance can be influenced with the following properties:
// Background color
Get/SetFieldBorderColor() // Border color
// Change a specific color of a field
// Color of the caption
// Line width of the border
The border and background color can be set to NO_COLOR, the background or border appears then
transparent. The border appears also transparent when the line width was set to zero.
DynaPDF supports also image buttons. To create an image button store the handle of the button in a
variable and add one or more images to the different button states (see AddButtonImage() for
further information). The caption of the button will be overridden when an image to the up state is
Buttons are used to execute an action; the following events are supported by button fields:
This function is implemented in an Ansi and Unicode compatible version. However, CJK encodings
or Unicode are NOT supported by form fields. It is possible to use Unicode strings but the font must
NOT use the code page cpUnicode. Unicode strings must contain characters of the actual used 8 bit
code page.
Buttons requires a font, if no font was set before Helvetica is used to draw the caption by using the
code page 1252. The caption is centred horizontally and vertically. By default the caption is drawn
on multiple lines if it does not fit into a single line. To avoid a line break inside a button field remove
the flag ffMultiline (see SetFieldFlags()).
Buttons are excluded from printing by default. If a button should be printable set the flag ffPrint (see
SetFieldFlags() for further information).
Interactive form fields can be structured into several groups by passing a handle of a group field to
the parameter Parent. See CreateGroupField() for further information.

Previous topic: CreateButton

Next topic: CreateCheckBox