DynaPDF Manual - Page 378

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Function Reference
Page 378 of 860
THighlightMode HighlightMode; // Visual effect
This function retrieves the most important properties of an annotation. This function is marked as
obsolete and should no longer be used. Please use GetAnnotEx() if possible.
All strings are pointers to the original string buffers or NULL if not set. The application must not
change or free these values. Only one string can be set at time, either the Ansi string or Unicode
string but not both. String values are always null-terminated.
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1 and the parameter Annot is filled with values. If the
function fails the return value is 0 and the parameter Annot is left unchanged.
SI32 pdfGetAnnotBBox(
const PPDF* IPDF)
// Instance pointer
UI32 Handle,
// Annotation handle
struct TPDFRect ADDR BBox) // see below
struct TPDFRect
double Left;
// Lower x-coordinate
double Bottom; // Lower y-coordinate
double Right;
// Upper x-coordinate
double Top;
// Upper y-coordinate
This function retrieves the bounding box of an annotation measured in bottom-up coordinates. A
bounding box is defined as rectangle giving the coordinates of a pair of diagonally opposite corners.
It is possible to change the bounding box of an annotation with the function ChangeAnnotPos().
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1 and the parameter BBox is filled with values. If the
function fails the return value is 0 and the parameter BBox is left unchanged.

Previous topic: GetActiveFont, GetAllocBy, GetAnnot (obsolete)

Next topic: GetAnnotColor, GetAnnotCount, GetAnnotEx