Release notes for MBS Xojo Plugins 24.3 - 9th July 2024
See also the documentation on new items and Announcement in Blog.
- Added Python plugin with PythonMBS class.
- Added MQTT example using CURL.
- Added AddRow() variant to SQLDatabaseMBS with returning insert id.
- Added AsNSImageMBS function to CGImageMBS class.
- Added calendarIdentifier, localeIdentifier, languageIdentifier, collatorIdentifier, regionCode to NSLocaleMBS class.
- Added CanonicalXML function to XMLValidatorMBS class.
- Added DarwinHostVMStatisticsMBS class with memory statistics for macOS and iOS.
- Added Duplex property to NSPrintInfoMBS class.
- Added InterfaceOrientation to UIDeviceMBS to query orientation of current window.
- Added isSequoia function to SystemInformationMBS module.
- Added isValidJSON function for JSONMBS class.
- Added kaffKeepUnsupportedAnnots constant for DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added localizedStringForVariantCode, localizedStringForScriptCode, localizedStringForLocaleIdentifier, localizedStringForLanguageCode, localizedStringForCurrencyCode, localizedStringForCountryCode, localizedStringForCollatorIdentifier, localizedStringForCollationIdentifier, localizedStringForCalendarIdentifier, localeWithLocaleIdentifier to NSLocaleMBS class.
- Added Locked property to NamedMutexMBS class.
- Added normalizeCIImageOrientation for CIImageMBS class.
- Added NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification function for NSLocaleMBS class to use with NSNotificationObserverMBS class.
- Added OutputUsedSize and OutputPtr properties and a new Constructor to BZip2CompressMBS, ZLibDecompressMBS, BZip2DecompressMBS and ZLibDecompressMBS classes.
- Added quotationEndDelimiter, quotationBeginDelimiter, alternateQuotationBeginDelimiter, alternateQuotationEndDelimiter to NSLocaleMBS class.
- Added SearchAsIs flag for FindText function in DynaPDFParserMBS class.
- Added SetInput method taking ptr to ZLibDecompressMBS, ZLibCompressMBS, BZip2DecompressMBS and BZip2CompressMBS classes.
- Added SetLineAnnotPoints and EnableImageCache functions to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added title property to VNDocumentCameraViewControllerMBS class.
- Added UIDeviceMBS class.
- Added WindowsDeviceWatcherMBS, WindowsDeviceInformationUpdateMBS and WindowsDeviceInformationMBS classes.
- Changed CURL debug messages to include the full URL you requested for review. We include a warning, if URL has no scheme.
- Changed HotkeyMBS class for Windows to react on right shift/control/option keys, too.
- Deprecated isMavericks, isElCapitan, isYosemite and isSierra functions in SystemInformationMBS module.
- Deprecated MacROMBootVersion, MacBoardID, MacVRAMSize and MacHasHardwareAcceleratedCoreImage functions in SystemInformationMBS module.
- Fixed a crash in SubStrings function in PCRE2MatchDataMBS class.
- Fixed a problem with XLBookMBS when using conditional formatting.
- Fixed an issue with using ConnectServer function in WindowsWMIMBS class in a thread.
- Fixed ArcShape for DynaPDFMBS to not close the Arc line.
- Fixed DeletePage in DynaPDFMBS class to return remaining pages on success.
- Fixed memory leak in QLThumbnailGeneratorMBS class.
- Fixed number passing for XMLXPathResultMBS class.
- Fixed problem with JSON returning negative floating point numbers without leading 0.
- Fixed SortMBS module to work on Xojo 2019r1.
- Fixed the ReplaceTag function in WordFileMBS, which broke in 14.2.
- Improved AsNSImageMBS function in CIImageMBS class to work on iOS, too.
- Improved error handling for CURLSMultiMBS class constructor.
- Improved error messages for exceptions raised in OpenSSLMBS module to contain more details.
- Improved GetVariantArrayMBS, SetVariantArrayValueMBS and GetVariantArrayValueMBS to work better on arrays of DateTime and Delegates.
- Improved JSONMBS class conversion from variant to convert folderitem to native path, Date & DateTime to SQLDateTime or from JSONItem objects.
- Improved X509MBS.Open to read binary certificates, too.
- Removed deprecation attribute for FFTSingleMBS and FFTDoubleMBS functions.
- Updated CubeSQL library to version 5.9.
- Updated CURL to version 8.8.0
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated our ICU integration for SQLite to the new SQLite version.
- Updated plugin SDK for Xojo 2024r2.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.2.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.46.0.
- Updated to Xcode 15.4.
New in version 24.2 New in version 24.4
Release notes of all versions: Release notes and Announcement in Blog.