Release notes for MBS Xojo Plugins 24.4 - 17th September 2024
See also the documentation on new items and Announcement in Blog.
- Added ZxingBarcodeMBS module and related classes for barcode detection.
- Added NSUserActivityMBS and NSUserActivityEventsMBS classes for adding the Handoff feature in your iOS or macOS application.
- Added GetInEncryptionInfo function and DynaPDFEncryptInfoMBS class.
- Added BaseFont property to DynaPDFFontInfoMBS class.
- Added ClearSharedInstance method to CURLSMultiMBS class.
- Added date and time getters and setters for JavaResultSetMBS class.
- Added date and time setters for JavaPreparedStatementMBS class.
- Added DecodeIMAPFolderName functions to CURLSMBS class to help decoding IMAP folder names.
- Added DidChangeOcclusionState event for NSStatusItemMBS class to detect if your item is not shown.
- Added DidMove and DidResize events for NSStatusItemMBS class.
- Added hitTest function to NSViewMBS class.
- Added kSSLVersionMax* constants for CURLSMBS class.
- Added more properties for NetSNMPMBS class for using SNMPv3.
- Added OptionNames and Tidy functions to TidyDocumentMBS class.
- Added Records method and Operator_Convert to MongoCursorMBS class.
- Added RunFile method to PythonMBS class.
- Added shaderModifiers and handle properties for SCNMaterialMBS class.
- Added shaderModifiers for SCNGeometryMBS class.
- Added size and boundingRectWithSize methods for NSAttributedStringMBS class.
- Added TestPassword function to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Changed AVCaptureVideoDataOutputMBS class to provide JPEGData and NSImageMBS to CVImageBufferMBS class for iOS, too.
- Changed captureStillImageAsynchronouslyCompleted event in AVFoundationMBS class, so it prepares CMSampleBufferMBS with Picture when set PrepareCIImage, PrepareNSImage and PrepareJPEGData is set in AVCaptureVideoDataOutputMBS class.
- Changed CIImage and NSImage in CVImageBufferMBS class to be properties.
- Changed GetInIsEncrypted function in DynaPDFMBS class to return boolean.
- Changed QLThumbnailGeneratorMBS to retain your instance while the asynchronous operation works.
- Disabled trace logging for MongoDB by default.
- Enabled new JSONMBS class to work well on Linux 32-bit.
- Fixed a bug in DrawRotatedTextMBS function where it would not rotate text on Windows.
- Fixed a crash in AddConditionalFormatting method in XLSheetMBS class.
- Fixed a crash in WriteStyledText method in XLSheetMBS class.
- Fixed a problem with DynaPDF and a full width space character not working correctly.
- Fixed NSFileCoordinatorMBS constructor to accept nil parameter.
- Fixed thread naming to avoid renaming main thread.
- Fixed WindowsDeviceWatcherMBS class to pass an WindowsDeviceInformationUpdateMBS for Updated event.
- Implemented async events for 32-bit Linux for newer Phidget classes.
- Improved CURLSMultiMBS class to clear buffers before transfer and flush output files after transfer automatically.
- Improved CURLSMultiMBS class to clear cancel flag for CURLSMBS objects.
- Improved events for LibUSBTransferMBS class on Linux 32-bit.
- Removed a deprecated constants and methods from tidy classes and added new ones.
- Updated CURL to version 8.10.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LibXL to version 4.4.0.
- Updated openssl to version 3.1.6.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.4 with DuckDB 1.0 support.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.46.1.
- Updated Tidy library to version 5.8.
- Updated XL plugin for Linux 32-bit to use version 4.3 of LibXL.
- Upgraded all linux compilers to newer versions. Requires GLIBCXX_3.4.26 now for Scintilla.
New in version 24.3 New in version 24.5
Release notes of all versions: Release notes and Announcement in Blog.