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Function Reference
Page 393 of 860
SI32 pdfGetCheckBoxCharEx(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
UI32 AField)
// Handle of a check box
The function returns character index of the font ZapfDingbats that is used to display the on state of
the check box. If the function fails the return value is a negative error code.
SI32 pdfGetCheckBoxDefState(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
UI32 AField)
// Handle of a check box
This function returns the default state of a check box, that is 1 == checked or 0 == unchecked. The
parameter AField must be a valid handle of a check box. The default state can differ from the current
visible state of a check box. The default state is used when a form is reset with a Reset Form Action.
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is either 0 or 1 depending on the default state. If the
function fails the return value is a negative error code.
LBOOL pdfGetCMap(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
UI32 Index,
// CMap's array index
struct TPDFCMap* CMap) // Structure to be filled with properties
struct TPDFCMap
UI32 StructSize;
// Must be set to sizeof(TPDFCMap)!
char* BaseCMap;
// Required base CMap if any
UI32 CIDCount;
// 0 if not set
char* CMapName;
// The CMap name
UI32 CMapType;
// Should be one!
float CMapVersion;
// The CMap version
char* DSCBaseCMap;
// DSC comment
float DSCCMapVersion; // DSC comment
char* DSCResName;
// DSC comment
char* DSCTitle;
// DSC comment
char* FileNameA;
// Either the Ansi or Unicode file name is set
UI16* FileNameW;
// Either the Ansi or Unicode file name is set
char* FilePathA;
// Either the Ansi or Unicode path is set
UI16* FilePathW;
// Either the Ansi or Unicode path is set
char* Ordering;
// Supported Character Collection
char* Registry;
// The registrant (this is usually Adobe)
UI32 Supplement;
// The Supplement number of this CMap
UI32 WritingMode;
// 0 == Horizontal, 1 == Vertical
Previous topic: GetCheckBoxChar, Check box characters
Next topic: GetCMapCount, GetCollectionInfo