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Function Reference
Page 534 of 860
LBOOL pdfGetXFAStream(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
UI32 Index,
// Array index
struct TPDFXFAStream* Out) // Can be NULL. See description.
struct TPDFXFAStream
// Must be set to sizeof(TPDFXFAStream)
const BYTE* Buffer;
// XML Stream
// Buffer size in bytes
const char* NameA;
// Stream name
const UI16* NameW;
// Either the Ansi or Unicode name is set but
// never both
The function returns an XFA stream. The parameter Index is the array index. The function
GetXFAStreamCount() returns the number of available streams.
The function must decompress the stream before it can be returned. To compress the stream again
call the function a second time and set the parameter Out to NULL. The function compresses the
stream in this case. This step is recommended to reduce the memory usage. Note that the returned
pointer become invalid when the stream will be compressed.
An XFA form consist of several XML streams. The stream name must be used to determine which
stream was returned.
Return value:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.
SI32 pdfGetXFAStreamCount(
const PPDF* IPDF) // Instance pointer
The function returns the number of available XFA streams. XFA streams are available after a PDF
file was imported.
Return value:
If the function succeeds the return value is the number of available XFA streams. If the function fails
the return value is a negative error code.

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