DynaPDF Manual - Page 525
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Function Reference
Page 525 of 860
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is the string width in un-scaled units. If the function fails
the return value is a negative error code.
UI32 pdfGetTransparentColor(
const PPDF* IPDF) // Instance pointer
The function returns the transparent color value that is used for newly inserted images.
Default value = 0xFFFFFF (RGB White)
LBOOL pdfGetTrapped(
const PPDF* IPDF) // Instance pointer
The function returns the trapped key of the document. The default value is false. However, the real
default value is unknown that means the key is not written to the file. The trapped key must be set
with SetTrapped() if it should written to the file.
double pdfGetTypoLeading(
const PPDF* IPDF) // Instance pointer
The function returns the typographic leading or line height of a font. This is sTypoAscender -
sTypoDescender + sTypoLineGap of the OS/2 table of TrueType and OpenType fonts. The value is
scaled to the current font size. Type1 fonts do not support these metrics.
The function can be called after a font was activated in the graphics state, e.g. with SetFont(),
SetFontEx(), SetCIDFont(), or ChangeFont().
If typographic metrics are not available the return value is Ascent - Descent. If the value is smaller
than the font size then the font size is returned.
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is the typographic leading of the active font, this is a value
greater zero. If the function fails the return value is a negative error code.
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